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helper points
skinsfanDate: Monday, 2011-04-11, 5:08 PM | Message # 1
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Does anyone know what the helper points are for? thanks

Pet's name: Storm Chaser
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AoifeDate: Wednesday, 2011-04-20, 3:23 PM | Message # 2
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After 100 points they're just bragging rights. xD
When you hit 100 you're permitted to review ads and art. So pretty much you get your own minor moderating job.
skinsfanDate: Thursday, 2011-04-21, 5:45 PM | Message # 3
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ok cool. thanks vesplain

Pet's name: Storm Chaser
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
WarmbloodHeartDate: Wednesday, 2012-05-02, 1:28 PM | Message # 4
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How do you get helper points or see how many you have??
Symphonae1Date: Monday, 2012-05-28, 9:13 AM | Message # 5
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You must be a subscriber to access the helper panel.

If you are subscribed, simply type in the command !Help and the panel should be brought up. From there, you can see the number of Helper points you have. You gain 1 helper point for every question you correctly answer, and after reaching 100 points, for every correct ad / artwork you accept. Answering a question incorrectly loses you 3 - 7 helper points (usually 5), and accepting a bad ad or art loses you 20% of your helper points.
WarmbloodHeartDate: Tuesday, 2012-05-29, 8:33 AM | Message # 6
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thanks smile
JumpingForJoyDate: Tuesday, 2013-01-01, 6:10 PM | Message # 7
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what happens when you lose points and get to -1 question a day?? what does that mean?
EternalSerenityDate: Tuesday, 2013-01-01, 10:05 PM | Message # 8
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JumpingForJoy, when you get to -1 questions a day it means you possibly;

Answered a question in a not at all helpful manner. (-2 helper points)
Answered a question incorrectly or rudely. (-7 helper points)
Abused the help chat or answered very rudely or inappropriately. (-25 points)
Accepted or rejected art or an ad incorrectly. (-25% helper points)
Accepting art or an ad that very clearly breaks the rules. Rejecting art or an ad when you clearly know it should be accepted. (-50% helper points)
OR cheated to get helper points. That means ___ asked ___ to ask a specific questions so she/he could answer and have __ mark it as helpful. (-All points)

You can't answer any more questions for the next day, or often 2 more days. For more that I might have not covered you can go to the Horse Isle homepage > Help Button > Support > Helper System.

"I like people too much, or not at all." - Sylvia Path
SilverBlueWolfDate: Tuesday, 2017-01-31, 4:41 AM | Message # 9
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I have chosen to accept help chat, how do I reply to that if I've typed !HELP and its not in the list? It came up in my chat box
PersonDate: Tuesday, 2017-01-31, 12:56 PM | Message # 10
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Quote SilverBlueWolf ()
I have chosen to accept help chat, how do I reply to that if I've typed !HELP and its not in the list? It came up in my chat box

If a question has appeared in your chat box, but you don't see it in the list, some other helper got to it first, and is already answering that question. (:

Come poke me anywhere you can find me if you have HI/EL questions! <3
GriffinGalDate: Sunday, 2017-07-09, 9:49 AM | Message # 11
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If I accidentally accept a question that I couldn't answer, is there any way to exit out of it?
PersonDate: Sunday, 2017-07-09, 10:02 AM | Message # 12
Main Server: Eternal
Eternal Username: CandyNutmeg
LifeCycle Username: Irony
Probably A-Lurking
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Quote GriffinGal ()
If I accidentally accept a question that I couldn't answer, is there any way to exit out of it?
Unfortunately not - you could explain that you clicked it by accident, and ask them to re-submit the question, or direct them to a section of the Help Files, if you know where they might find the answer. (:

Come poke me anywhere you can find me if you have HI/EL questions! <3
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