This list you are reading is a complete list of every horse avatar color that we are missing. It would be fantastic if you could contribute to finishing this long-time project.
If you see a horse on this list that you own, please click here.
You guys are doing a fantastic job. Lets keep it up! We're getting close to closing many many breeds.
Since some players got a little confused, this is how the list works.
The number to the right of the horses' breed, is the number of avatar colors missing from the guide. Any missing breed, is a breed that has every possible avatar there is, and therefore not needed on this list.
Hope that clears things up a bit!
If you add a new horse color, be sure to let us know the breed and color so we can update the list. If you are a staff member adding colors, please do not automatically edit the list, and continue writing down your submissions. This is to stop any confusion that Dreamy or myself may have when editing the post.
American Mustang: (1)
American Paint Horse: (1)
Australian Brumby: (1)
Calabrese: (1)
Icelandic: (5)
Missouri Fox Trotter: (1)
Tennessee Walking Horse: (1)
Turkoman: (8)
Aha! We're at the end of the list. Again.
Let me remind you.
Please give us the information, meaning the breed and color, of the horse avatar you just submitted. We want to keep this as accurate as possible.