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I like contests that are (select as many as you want) ...
1. Random giveaways (anyone can enter, but no way to increase chances of winning)
2. HI2 knowledge/skill based (scavenger hunts, competitions, etc)
3. Raffle system (free ways to enter, but takes time/effort, able to increase chance of winning)
4. real life horse knowledge/skill based
5. creative and skill based (drawing, writing)
6. creative-based, no skill required (dress up contests)
7. Other (send us a suggestion to!)
Total of answers: 1420

Total online: 2
Guests: 2
Users: 0
Main » 2018 » July » 09
And, here are the random winners!

1 month sub winners:
MiaPepper - Eternal
Saphi, Eternal
Afterglow, Eternal
RearingGirl, LifeCycle
RussianBot, LifeCycle

1 zeus token winners:
PiggyApple, Eternal
Valentino, Eternal
LittleMoon, Eternal
Joys, Eternal
Chatterbox, Eternal
DazzleBerry, Eternal
Heartbeats, Eternal
ViolinRose, Eternal
JitterBug, Eternal
OpenZebra, Eternal
Feline, Eternal
Bottlewater, Eternal
LuckyHorse, Eternal
GreyMane, Eternal
Sunday, Eternal
DesertRose, Eternal
Weird, LifeCycle
BreyerHorseLover, LifeCycle
Ariella, LifeCycle
Pokey, LifeCycle

Enjoy your prizes! And you can check out the updates on HI3 here on the official website:

Hope everyone's summer is going great!

With the news of the upcoming Horse Isle 3 in the air, what are you excited for in the third Horse Isle game? Are you excited for more minigames? Quests? A blend of fantastical and realistic worlds?

We'll be giving away up to 5 month sub tokens and 20 zeus tokens. Comment below your thoughts for HI3 below and your username/server and you'll be randomly entered to win one of these prizes.

This contest will end on July 23, 11:59 PM.
Views: 3152 | Added by: Vallina | Date: 2018-07-08

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