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I like contests that are (select as many as you want) ...
1. Random giveaways (anyone can enter, but no way to increase chances of winning)
2. HI2 knowledge/skill based (scavenger hunts, competitions, etc)
3. Raffle system (free ways to enter, but takes time/effort, able to increase chance of winning)
4. real life horse knowledge/skill based
5. creative and skill based (drawing, writing)
6. creative-based, no skill required (dress up contests)
7. Other (send us a suggestion to!)
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Main » 2019 » August » 27 » HI3 IS LIVE!
2:05 PM
Edit, November 6th: Hello everyone!
To those asking about HI3 guides; the EL team won't be uploading any, unfortunately. Neither of us play HI3 actively (I've been on twice... in the last three months... I wish I had more hours in a day) and we don't have time to keep the site updated. There is at least one HI3 help site that seems to be a work in progress, and I'm sure others will appear as the game develops. If you'd like to use the EL forums to discuss HI3, feel free, just indicate which game you're talking about!



For all who have been holding out through alpha and beta and avoiding the need to restart anew, HI3 is now live!
Register and start exploring the world at! Platforms now supported: Windows 64bit, 32bit, Mac, Linux.
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