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I like contests that are (select as many as you want) ...
1. Random giveaways (anyone can enter, but no way to increase chances of winning)
2. HI2 knowledge/skill based (scavenger hunts, competitions, etc)
3. Raffle system (free ways to enter, but takes time/effort, able to increase chance of winning)
4. real life horse knowledge/skill based
5. creative and skill based (drawing, writing)
6. creative-based, no skill required (dress up contests)
7. Other (send us a suggestion to!)
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Main » 2019 » May » 4 » HI3 Open Beta!
11:16 AM
HI3 Open Beta!
Updating this; HI3 Beta has been opened to all players!

From Pathfinder,
"You can now create an account on HI3. 

64bit Windows Only. we do not support Mac or Linux yet (Plan to). 

Game is in Beta state with incomplete features, bugs and many resets, must be patient and able to Not Get Frustrated with lack of support, etc. 

Your account with everything will be reset and lost several times before Live, this means any horses, or accomplishments will be lost. Feel free to sign up for an account at the top of the page at, click create account!"

Based on a question in the comments; for those currently playing HI3 beta, if there is an aspect of the game that you think should be explained further in a guide on EL, please comment / mention it in the chat box! Thank you!
Views: 1498 | Added by: Vallina
Total comments: 3
3 Pst  
0 Spam
My journey so far:

14th June 2019

Over past several days
have journeyed very far South,
crossing Alps, Dark
Forest, Desert, Mediterranean, Savannah.
Crossing several

Wild Horses are
plentiful in all terrains and I have my max of 9.

Am now situated at:16km West and 69km South of the World's Centre.

At a place called
Wonderland. Region:Concealed Warm Wonderland.
There are giant
mushrooms and giant flowers and Wonderland Essence.
After this the terrain
changes to Mediterranean.

1 Chalisto  
2 Spam
Will this site add HI3 guides when game goes live or stay focused on hi2?

2 Person  
Oh man, that's a difficult question.

The short answer: Yes, I'd like to add HI3 guides.

The longer answer: I'd like to add HI3 guides. The problem is that currently EL has two admin, myself and Vallina. Vale has already told me that she doesn't have time for (even playing) HI3, and I'm a full-time student, which takes up a ridiculous amount of time and energy. (Off for the summer, though! HI3 chose a good time to enter testing.)
EL's original creation was before my time, but the quantity of information available about HI2 took many months to collect, with dozens of people contributing.

Also, HI2 and 3 are very different games. Based on a really quick look over EL content, HI3 doesn't currently have:
- main arenas that can be summarized in one tutorial, or really any sort of arena strategy
- an art kit
- bonus points, NPC quests, and tracked minigames
- anything to do with NPCs at all
- caves or haunted houses (requiring maps)
- companions
- stores with set items; everything is player supplied and therefore dynamic

If you have any specific requests for HI3 pages, please do let me know, and I'll add them to a mental list of what the site may need in the future. However, right now I'm setting HI3 guides aside until the game is closer to live (because right now stuff keeps changing) and until a time when the Help Files in-game are more developed (because those keep changing as well, we don't need an EL guide if the game already provides a good explanation!).

Thanks! (:

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