Click here for SITE RULES.
While not everyone likes rules, they are here to keep the forums manageable and tidy. Please follow them. If you have questions, contact an admin or moderator.
+ No Spamming. SPAM is an acronym for Short, Pointless or Annoying Messages.
+ Please keep messages to a minimum of ten words.
+ If you have nothing to contribute to the topic, don't post anything.
+ Do not post on old, outdated topics that have already been resolved.
+ If you are only talking to one person on the topic, please use the PM function instead.
+ Be polite and respectful of others opinions - even if you don't agree with them.
+ Absolutely no profanity, religious/political discussion, promotion or graphic depiction of violence, or offensive or adult topics.
+ Linking to other sites is okay as long as it is a well known site or harmless.
+ No advertising of other Horse Isle fansites.
+ Follow all Horse Isle/Esroh Legends rules.
+ Obey the moderators and administrators, if we tell you to stop, then stop, etc.
Avatar Rules
+ Max size of an avatar is 100x100. If your image is bigger than that, it will size down by itself to 100x100 but the quality may change, so beware!
+ No posting images of yourself.
+ Avatar must be abide site rules.
Signature Rules
The max height of your entire signature is 250 pixels.
The max width of your entire signature is 550 pixels.
This big! Plenty of space. Paste your signature over it to see if it fits.
+ If your signature is just a couple pixels or so over, then that's okay. As long as it isn't really over the guidelines.
+ No more than 2 animated pictures.
+ No ingame ads - we have a lovely Ads Board already!
+ Signature must abide Horse Isle/Esroh Legends rules.
+ You are allowed to put adoptables or virtual pet images as long as it doesn't exceed the signature dimensions.
Thanks for following the rules! If you have questions, you can contact a moderator or administrator.